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While we navigate these situations we have decided to postpone our workshops and focus on providing you with online resources.

Please share with us things you'd like to know more about.

Become a STiL PRO


with our free (and amazing) resources so you can transform your space with confidence.

Our resources are filled with useful information 

  • STiL Tips: Layout, Design, Mood 

  • Understanding your kitchen

  • How to's

  • Tricks of the trade

  • do's and don'ts


...and so much more


We are excited to launch the first of a series of free online design resources, called STiL Tips. In these free downloads you will receive our architectural expertise and resources you need to create a kitchen layout that is functional and stunning, the first series is STiL Tips - LAYOUT. 


Our STiL Tips series will arm you with the design knowledge to set your space apart from all others, help you create a stunning materials palette and pick the right hardware, plumbing and lighting to complete your design. 


Download these free STiL Tips, follow us, send us a note, share with those who would benefit and subscribe to our mailing list and we’ll make sure you’re on the list to receive our next series of STiL Tips. 


And remember, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions as you embark on transforming your space!

Due to Covid-19 we are experiencing some delays with material orders. We  appreciate your patience during this unprecedented time. 

Let us help you create your space from a distance.
Find out what the perfect solution for you is. 
check out our
asked questions
Custom STiL fronts made to fit the modular components of IKEA® creating design within reach.
Customize with STiL to further expand your possibilities.
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